Friday, March 5, 2010

Provisioning Polycom IP Phones

There are the few steps to be followed for Polycom IP Phone provisioning.

Download the latest SIP firmware of the Polycom IP Phone

Unzip in the downloaded file (say: C:/SIP3.2.2)
Make essential changes in the config files, phone1.cfg, 00000000.cfg, phone-[mac-address].cfg

Note: Config files are parsed in following order
1. 00000000000000.cfg
2. sip.cfg
3. phone1.cfg
4. [PHONE_MODEL].cfg
5. phone-[PHONE_MAC_ADDRESS].cfg

Setup TFTP Server

Download TFTP Server:
You can google "solarwind tftp server download"
Download TFTP Server

Configure the TFTP Server to point to the Location of the SIP firmware ( in our case: C:/SIP3.2.2)
Start the TFTP Server (say IP Address is

Do following Configuration on Polycom IP Phones

1. Specify the IP Address (Make sure that it's in same subnet as of the TFTP server)


2. Specify the Subnet Mask


3. Specity the Gateway


4. In Server Menu, Select TFTP ( in our case IPAdd: , Username: Blank, Password: Blank

5. CDP: Disabled

6. VLAN ID: Blank

7. Reboot the Phone

You can see in the console of the TFTP server that Polycom IP Phone is downloading the firmware. Once it downloads the firmware and config files from the TFTP server, it's done. :)